Welcome to the
Super Savers Community

Supercharge your savings in less time, without sacrificing your lifestyle. 

 What do savvy spenders, smart investors, and Super Savers have in common?
They know what steps to take, they have a roadmap that makes it easy to accelerate their progress, and they have the right people in their corner, every step of the way.
All of this is waiting for you inside the Super Savers community. 

Imagine what you could do when you fully control your money.

Imagine forgetting your payday because you still have money left over from the last one.

Imagine the dream house you could buy with your near-perfect credit score and bustling savings account.  

What if you could live this financially fierce life right now?

Friend, the truth is...

You deserve to live a life that's worry-free and full of exciting possibilities! 

Super Savers has what you need to get you there.

Your Finances ARE Fixable

No more feeling stuck with your finances. 

No more trying to figure out how to fix it on your own...

 With Super Savers, you could buy groceries for less, cut your monthly bills, master your budget, and unlock your rich life-- all without sacrificing your current lifestyle. 

It's All About Leveling Up NOT Cutting Down

 You're here because you've been stuck where you are for a while. And you've been looking for a way to switch things up and make changes.

Wanna know what stops you?

You've become too comfortable with living in your discomfort.

I know you WANT to live a life where you could spend your money on your terms, be a smart saver and a wealthy investor.

To do this, you have to let go your old way of life and the old you, and
embrace the new, smarter, richer version of YOU.

You know that version, the woman who stops at nothing to achieve her goals.

The one who conquers fear by taking new steps forward.

The one leans into the hard work and
surrounds herself with a circle of friends who support and cheer her on.

The one who takes control of her life and
creates her dream life that she enjoys every.single.day.

That woman is YOU. And YOU are ready to make it happen.

That life is waiting for you on the other side of your comfort zone.

It’s time to create the life you want; you've watched from the sidelines long enough!  

As a Super Saver, you're more financially confident.

You'll take more action and make better choices that make you wealthy.

And you'll finally have your own cheer squad, your very own inner circle of like-minded women who strive for the same rich goals you do. 

“Paid off $5k in debt last year and somehow was still able to get a down payment for a house this year!” - Nikle P.

Imagine a life where YOU are…  

A smart saver and have enough saved to cover any emergency that comes your way. 

A savvy spender and created the freedom to live and spend on your own terms.

Debt-free and are in full control of your hard-earned money. 

A great financial role model for your kids, creating a better money story for them. 

Financially confident and trust yourself to make the right money moves for your life. 

Your financially free life is waiting for you to take the next step. Are you ready?


Meet Gina Zakaria

Hello there, I'm Gina! I'm the founder of Saving Whiz and creator of the Super Savers community. 

In 2018, my husband and I paid off over $106,000 of debt in under five years.  

That's when I decided to share what works so you can ditch debt and build wealth without falling into the same pitfalls that I faced. And now, Super Savers helps thousands of women like you and me take control of their life by mastering their money habits.

Super Savers is a safe space where you learn, implement, and grow, while developing strong financial habits that build the life you thought was out of reach. With the right tools and knowledge, you can live the life of your dreams.

No more being stressed about money. You can finally release the heaviness you've held for years and breathe easier knowing that you are now on a different path to financial freedom.

You owe it to yourself to create a financially free, more enjoyable life.

With over 20 years in the financial space, I've created the perfect formula to take you from hot mess to financial success without feeling deprived.

stop wasting your time with generic tips and tap into:

Exclusive Access

Get the tools for your perfect financial makeover directly on your mobile app or laptop.

monthly Live Q&A with Gina + ReplayS

Spend time with me and get tailored direction so you make progress and never feel stuck.

Private Chat Group

(Ad-Free and Secure) Supportive community page, where you can ask questions, get answers, and get support when you need it most. 

Downloadable Resources & Tools

I give you the exact systems I used to get out of debt then and give you proven steps to thrive with your finances now. 

easy-to-follow LESSONS

Bite-sized lessons that make it easy to implement and see results. 

Grocery Gamechanger+ course

Cut your grocery budget while getting everything on your list, access recipes, tutorials, guides, and so much more.

Bill buster course

Cut your monthly bills so you pay less without cutting back on the lifestyle you enjoy.

Budget Course

Budget better so you have the freedom to spend and save money without the guilt.

… for ONLY $47 per month


Super Savers is designed to help you create the rich life that you deserve by helping you become a savvy saver and smart spender!

  I’m so confident that you’ll save money with Super Savers that I back it up with a 30-Day money-back guarantee!

 If you've applied the steps and are not seeing any results within 30 days, you can simply ask for a refund.  

Now there’s no risk for you to try it for yourself.  

“Between yesterday and today using [this one rule], I put $30 into my savings account!” 

- Tina R.

Your Next Steps ...

Join the Super Savers Community

No more walking in the dark, we've done the hard work for you, so you don't have to!

Go Through
The Courses

Learn and apply the strategies
 to build better money habits 
and start thriving!

Live Better

Find your stride to ditch debt and build wealth without severe lifestyle changes.

How much longer will you choose to struggle?

Now that you know there is a better way to fix your finances...

one that provides more knowledge, the right tools, and an expert who’s dedicated to personally helping you...

then being on the fence and watching from the sidelines is choosing to struggle.

Here's the thing…

in the time it takes to watch just one episode of your favorite Netflix show or scroll through social media,
you could start creating a life you don’t want to escape from.
Think about it...

The longer you wait, the longer it takes to get to your goals.


Super Savers is a membership program designed to you fix your finances in a simple easy-to-follow system.
It's the only place to work directly with Gina, get direction and ready-to-use tools that make it easy to complete tasks while getting the group accountability that keeps you motivated to keep moving forward. 

Super Savers has done the hard work for you, with easy-to-follow plans and strategies to fix your budget, get out of debt, optimize your bills and invest are designed to make it easy to implement into your current financial life.

With Super Savers, you save time and the headache of trying to figure it out on your own, so you can build your wealth with confidence and total control. 

If you do the work, you can start saving money in the very first week of applying the new systems and strategies.

Results depend on your commitment to applying what you learn and staying consistent with your new money habits.

Absolutely! Gina specifically designed Super Savers to help you stop living paycheck to paycheck.

She simplifies it for you by giving you easy-to-follow steps and provides the resources to keep things organized and reference information when you need it, and empowers you to take action with clarity. 

Yes, you can cancel your Super Savers membership anytime. Once you cancel, you will no longer be charged the subscription fee.

Simply go to your account and update your information. 

Super Savers is a program designed to help you create the rich life that you deserve by helping you become a savvy saver and smart spender!
We're so confident that you’ll save money with Super Savers that we back it up with a 30-Day money-back guarantee!
Simply show us that you've applied the framework and have not seen any results within 30 days, and we'd be happy to provide a refund!

No, Super Savers is about saving in every part of your finances, from budgeting to free up money, to cutting your monthly bills so you pay less without getting less, grocery strategies, and saving for your future.
This program helps you level up your finances, no matter where you are on your journey. 

Yes, inside Super Savers, you'll have access to the Grocery Gamechanger+ Course as well as the Bill Buster Course to help you stock your fridge, save time, and pay less every month. 

Yes, Super Savers can  help you get out of debt!
Inside the Bill Buster Course, there are lessons specifically tailored to help you become debt free while saving money on your payments!  

Some members have paid off their debt and have even saved enough money to buy their first home, upgrade their car, and save more to retire early!

Super Savers program was created to work with your busy schedule.

You’ll have the tools and resources that you can implement at your own pace and according to your own schedule. 

Yes, Super Savers meets you where you are and guides you to where you want to be with your finances. It's not just a course that is set up for you to watch and do everything alone.

This is a group coaching program that gives you direct access to Gina so you can ask questions, get feedback and get the help you need to keep moving forward so you level up from one stage to the next and before you know it, you'll have the financial freedom you've always wanted. 

Membership Packages




Per Month

  • 47% OFF Regular Price!
  • Exclusive Access to courses, tutorials, lessons.
  • Full Access to the Budget Planner
  • Private Chat Group (Ad-Free and Secure)
  • Downloadable resources and time-management tools
  • Printables & Guides
  • Monthly Live Q&A + Replay Access
  • Quarterly challenges




Every 3 Months

  • 47% OFF Regular Price!
  • Exclusive Access to courses, tutorials, lessons.
  • Full Access to the Budget Planner
  • Private Chat Group (Ad-Free and Secure)
  • Downloadable resources and time-management tools
  • Printables & Guides
  • Monthly Live Q&A + Replay Access
  • Quarterly challenges